Oh well.
The usual culprit (lack of time) has taken care of that.
But I will say this: It has been an extremely tough and challenging, yet rewarding, year. Getting used to life with twins and a four-year-old has been, well, extremely tough and challenging, yet rewarding.
Some days I don’t understand how it all works. I credit my wife with keeping everything afloat. She continues to amaze. As do the kids…
Writing-wise, I was lucky to see a few things published, as well as have my work featured at the New Short Fiction Series (that was a thrill).
As for actual output, though, I don’t have much to show for 2009. This is weighing on me as the year comes to a close. I tend to measure my self-worth via writing. Which is not healthy, I know. New Year’s resolution, perhaps? I’ve never been very good at keeping them…
Happy New Year Andy! To you and your beautiful family! I resolved to blog more this year, to keep up with it. So far, zippo. But soon! Still haven’t decided on AWP but it’s not looking auspicious.
Thanks, Alicia. Happy New Year to you too!
AWP? I’m still on the fence.
Would love to see more blogging from you, but I know how it is…